Thursday, April 22, 2010

laying it all out

Some thoughts on my mind. The way society is as a whole is irrelavant. I have come to realize that certain things do not matter in this life. Examples: #1 Material possesions #2 how and what people think of you. I have found the only thing that does matter is knowing God, loving Jesus, telling others about Him and loving others the way Jesus would..and that is it. There I said it. Some of you who read this may not like hearing what I just said. I am not ashamed and as for example #2 I don't care how or what people think of me anymore. It saddens me to think that our society and lives focus on our material objects. We have money to buy a mocha frap from starbucks (this is ME I'm guilty of this) but then we think a lonnngggg time about giving to a humanitarian organization. Why is it so hard for us to give to somebody who has a NEED? But we can fill our selfish desire of a WANT so quickly? It makes me sick to my stomach...if someone said "raise your hand if your guilty?", mine would be waving eagerly in the back row. How can I even think about valuing a material object over a human life???!!! Are we crazy?! This I want to change. I defintley think that there is more God wants us to do then showing up for church every sunday and praying every once in a while. How can we be Jesus to somebody? That is exactly what I want to teach my children. So God please help me teach my children to love thy neighbor as thyself. To take care of the widow and orphan. To sell all they have and follow You, and to thank God for all the blessings in life. I guess the best way I can teach them these things is to be the example myself.

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