Tuesday, May 11, 2010

three's a charm

As you can see I haven't updated our blog in a while. With the days getting warmer we have been busy outside. The summer is our favorite time as we love to be outside and at the beach. We've had the chance to go to the beach already at the end of April beginning of May already with some good friends of ours The Pashkins:) It was so warm the last couple of weeks that I already got a head start on the summer tan that turned into a peeling today. Summer also brings me closer to my marathon which is 6 months away. So the days Scott works I'm stuck training inside on the treadmill which is not really fun at all. So a couple times latley since Scott's been at work I've been lugging all three boys 6 miles on our bikepath in a double jogger stroller. It's pretty intense. The boys are funny and keep me company on our runs. We looks for bears and tigers and we pretend that we are a sled dog team and a bunch of huskies are pulling us. Little do they know mama is the sled dog. So I've come to the conclusion today that running outside with the boys is fun and that we should start saving for a triple jogging stoller to get us through the summer. I figure it will go a long way through Keane and the next kiddos as well. Here's a little look of what I'm talking about.

And no the happy running family is not us...yet..but soon to be.


  1. Check craigslist.com in your area... you can probably find a triple jogging stroller for half the cost!

  2. Did you get the jogging stroller? Where's the picture of it with three happy boys and a sweaty (but beautiful) mommy?
