Monday, May 24, 2010

Clean out the clutter

Today is a day where I am cleaning out the clutter (well right now I'm taking a break). A friend of ours is having a yard sale and let us know that if we had anything we wanted to sell we could at their yardsale coming up in a couple of weeks. So this got me excited to actually find stuff to sell and get rid of. Last night Scott and I tackled our room and filled up a laundry basket full of clothes we never wear that were just sitting in our drawers and closet. Today I'm going through the boys room sneaking out toys to get rid of that they never play with or never will. Though Keegan did see the colorful plastic of a toy barn that never gets played with sticking out of the trash can and brought it back to me. Which led to Kaiden going over to the trash can picking out every broken toy I threw away saying that he loved and played with them all and why was mommy throwing them away. It's funny how hard it is for us to throw stuff away, to clear out the clutter. Sometimes I even give things a third or fourth look before I actually decide to get rid of it though I haven't used it in years. So here is a good thought for me and for all of us today as I'm cleaning God tells us not to hold on to material things for our treasures are stored in heaven. Now back to cleaning!

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