Saturday, January 29, 2011



Keane Eli or Keano as we like to call him is 16 months old and a package wrapped up with smiles and stubborness. We have entered into the phase of, "Mom don't you dare put me down, or I will throw myself onto the floor and scream as loud as I can." Yes that stage as all you moms who have been there can sympathize with me here. Keano, my third son, has definitely been my most stubborn child. If I'm just looking at him out of no where he will just raise his hand up and smack me in the face and then laugh about it. I guess my big "OWWWWW" reaction must seem real funny to him. Followed along with a "NO Keano that is not nice", followed along with another wack by Keano. Scott always looks at me and says "you're 24 and he's 16 months"..haha like I can win this battle. So I set him down on the floor and fits of rage enter Keane as he dramatically collapes on the floor and screams. And then my heart breaks for him and I scoop him up in my arms and pat his little tush and lovingly say in a motherly voice "it's ooooooookay Keano, mama's here." I love his little mind. He is constantly on the move from one thing to the next and I would love to know what goes through his little head on a day to day basis. He's constantly watching Kaid and Keegan play and often tries to squeeze himself into whatever they are doing. Which often results in two boys yelling, "NO KEANO YOU'RE KNOCKING IT DOWN!" or "NO KEANO THATS MINE!" So yes I do think Keane has reason to be so stubborn and tough. He does have to stick up for himself in this pile of boys. Keane's name meaning is Commander. And that he is.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is 16 months already, it doesnt seem that long ago that you told me you were pregnant with him. Athena has the stubborn attitude also and there are times i just can't help but
