Monday, January 17, 2011

Wow! So I just checked and I haven't posted since our wedding anniversary. Things have been crazy here at the Cameron household. We went to Michigan for Christmas to be with family and friends and had such a good time! Then New Years came and went and we are in 2011! We are starting out the year with the start of our "paper chase" to bring home our 4th child, a son or daughter, from Ethiopia. We are so very excited about this and are in the midst of paperwork and more paperwork! We thank everybody who has supported us in our decision to adopt. This is not something we are going into lightly. After much research and prayer for the past couple of years we are doing exactly what God has called our family to be doing at this time. In order to bring our son or daughter home we will need the funds to make that happen. We have faith that God WILL provide as He obviously brought us to this point. We will do whatever it takes to bring Baby K home. We will be applying for adoption grants and fundraising. We will be having a big fundraiser event at our church with another family, amazing friends of ours, The Dawkin's family, who are bringing a daughter home from Ethiopia. There will be music and a silent auction and testimonies of why we are doing what we are doing and a chance to learn about the culture and people of Ethiopia. I will post in a few weeks once we have the date set in stone, but it will be in April. I will also be selling hand totes that I have made and will post about that in a couple of days when I can get some pictures up. We are very excited and we look forward to sharing our adoption journey with you on our blog! Your support in prayers is very much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could be there in April to show our support for your family!! We love you guys and can't wait to meet the new addition from Ethiopia!
    It was great having you all here at Christmas, it never seems like we get to see you enough! Macy is missing Keegy and has A LOT of pictures for him!
