Sunday, February 21, 2010

as my boys would say....gnarly

This photo was taken last summer (August 2009). I wanted to post it because this is what our family would rather be doing then being stuck inside all day! Last summer when Scott was off work we spent almost everyday at the beach. We would join friends and the guys would surf all day. Some may call this being a "beach bum" and I would carry that title proudly. There is more to it then that though. Endless adventures awaited my boys everyday. From digging the crabs out of their holes to chasing seagulls, finding driftwood pieces to take home, hoarding shells, eating a real "SANDwich", being with friends all day. And Kaid at 3 years old by the end of the summer found a passion for surfing. He suprised us as Scott pushed him into waves he would paddle paddle paddle then pop up and stand. Even amazed us with some moves as he did switchfoots and handstands that he learned from watching the Step Into Liquid movie he would watch over and over again. This summer awaits us some new adventures. This summer mommy will join the surfers and Keane will be with us (mostly likely eating sand). I hope that Kaid can show me a trick or two to on surfing. I can honestly say that he is better then me. I still can't even stand on the board yet but my 4 year old son is doing tricks on it!? Maybe Keegan will give it a shot this summer to? I ask him and he says "yay I board"...but he'll probably want to be landlocked again as he wasn't to fond of the water last year. So here is looking forward too another surfing summer....come quickly!


  1. No way is that big kid Kaiden :(
    Time sure flies....
    I miss you guys like crazy and wish we lived near each other again! I was just looking at a picture last night of Kaiden kissing your belly when you were pregnant with Keegan. I remember babysitting him one night and he fell asleep while I changed his diaper on my bed. I miss you all so much.

  2. i love this picture!! one of my favorites.kaid impresses me with his love of the water. keegy will get there!! one of these days keane too!! what fun this summer will be!! can't wait to get there....hurry march 11th!!
