Saturday, February 5, 2011

tired, sleepy, exhausted


After the marathon, your immune status will be depressed. Because of the physiological hit to the immune system created by the stress of running a marathon, colds, flu, and other upper respiratory tract infections are potential problems in the days and weeks that follow. The best medicine is prevention. After the marathon, take care to allow yourself more sleep than before the race. Resume a well-balanced, nutritious diet immediately following the race. During the first week following the race, focus on rehydration.

I ran the Chicago Marathon 4 months ago in October. I am NEVER ever sick. I can't remember a time I was sick before the marathon. But since running it this winter season I have had a numerous upper respitory infections, the stomach flu, strep throat that lasted two weeks, and just plan exhaustion. This weekend I'm extremely tired and shaky. The marathon seriously wrecked havoc on my immune system. Was the 26.2 really worth it? Oh yes it was!


  1. aww....brit hope your feeling better? I can't help but say dont forget what I said yesterday about you calling around this time....just thought you might need a laugh though. Miss you lots and get better soon

  2. I didn't run a marathon and I have been sick more this year than I can ever remember!!! lol. I do hope you are feeling better. You're amazing and I am glad to hear the marathon was worth it!
