Thursday, March 3, 2011

Africa Bags!!!!

I'm finally getting some pictures of the totes I'm selling for our adoption funds. These are the Africa bags I've been talking about. They are great for taking to the beach, grocery store, spare diaper bag, purse, you name it! They are super cute and I'm selling them for $10.00 each and I have sold 22 so far. Everyone who has purchased a bag has loved it. I have many fabrics and colors to choose from!!! If you would like to purchase an Africa bag for $10.00 and help us bring our child home from Ethiopia please email me at: Thank you!!! I can also ship bags.


  1. I WANT ONE!!! we'll email you :)

  2. PS.. that comment was me not Jon... Also, just saw the sweet post below the picture of Jon & Kaiden, thanks girl that made me smile.
    I love your blog..I'm inspired!

  3. i'd LOVE one of these bags!! good to catch up with whats going on in your world. :)
